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Rheumatology in Modern terms is called Clinical Immunology. It is now acknowledged that the under lying cause for a disease like rheumatism is a dysregulation of the normal functioning of the immune system. However for the sake of the continuity and easy of identification among patients the term rheumatology is still retained and this branch is often referred to as clinical Immunology and Rheumatology.

Therefore diseases resulting from the dysregulation (meaning altered regulation) of the normal functioning of the immune system, (Which often results in the immune system- Which is meant to protect the body � turning on its own body and hence causing disease of the immune system) can affect virtually any organ of the body. However the systems most commonly involved are

1 Joints Disease of Joint is called ARTHRITIES (Which is turn are of many varieties)
2 Skin Disease affecting the skin is called Systemic SCLEROSIS
3 Eyes Disease effecting part of eyes is called UVEITIES
4 Blood Vessels Disease of blood vessels are called VASCULATIES ( and science bold vessels are ubiquitous in the body, any organ like the brain, heart , lungs, kidneys, skin joints, muscle can be effected)
5 Kidney Disease of the kidney is collective called NEPHRITIES
6 Soft Tissue Rheumatology A group of conditions which are not included in the above but w2hich can cause tremendous pain over the entire body called FIBROMYALIGA which is fairly commonly.
7 SChronic Fatigue Syndrome A rarer condition in our country, the disorder causes pain at the insertion of muscles, tendons called ENTHESOPATHY
8 SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) A chronic generalized inflammatory condition which is characterized by fever and affecting all or any combination of organs mentioned above. This condition is diagnosed by the presence of typical antibodies in the blood called ANA antibodies